Apple's Second-Gen Mixed Reality Headsets will use a Higher Level OLEDoS Process - Patently Apple

2022-10-11 22:23:54 By : Mr. Eric zhang

In August Patently Apple posted a report titled "Apple's First-Gen Mixed Reality Headset is to Introduce Breakthrough Display Technology." The report noted that Apple's first Mixed Reality Headset would be using a next-gen display technology known as OLEDoS from Sony followed by OLEDoS displays from LG and/or Samsung for second-gen headsets.

A report from The Elec this morning sheds a new detail to OLEDoS. At present Sony is the leader in OLEDoS displays and uses white pixels and with color filters. OLEDoS deposits organic materials on silicon wafers instead of glass substrates. This allows the panels to be smaller while achieving high resolution.

The report more importantly states that "The displays for Apple's second-gen headsets will use displays from LG and Sony Display that will use RGB subpixels on silicon without the need for white pixels."

Posted by Jack Purcher on October 11, 2022 at 04:02 AM in 5. Supply Chain News & Rumors | Permalink | Comments (0)

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