Anker has introduced new in-ear headphones under its audio brand, the Soundcore Sleep A10, which expand the lineup alongside the Soundcore Sport X10 (our review). They’re said to be so lightweight and low-profile that, when paired with ANC, they make for an especially peaceful night’s sleep.
At the Anker on Board event, the manufacturer unveiled the new Soundcore Sleep A10, among other products. The in-ear headphones are based on the recently introduced Space A40 in terms of shape, but come with ear wings and special twin-seal plugs that are supposed to ensure a secure fit even when lying in bed.
The Earbuds come in a particularly compact and flat design, which should increase wearing comfort even when lying down. Similar to the Sony Linkbuds S (our review), the Sleep A10 do not protrude from the ear and are thus also ideally suited for side sleepers.
With a battery life of 10 hours for the earbuds only, they last an entire night. In the charging case, another impressive 40 hours are added. Charging is done via USB Type-C.
The focus here is clearly on supporting a peaceful sleep, as Soundcore also offers pre-recorded background music to help you fall asleep and promote sleep. Ocean noise or tropical sounds, for example, can be added, in addition to your own music of course, to promote falling asleep.
In combination with special ANC algorithms, street noise, unpleasant sounds and loud snoring are automatically cancelled out by the Soundcore Sleep A10 by up to 35 dB for a comfortable sleep.
Even the passive noise cancellation is said to be convincing, though. Thanks to the new Twin Seal earbuds, many noises are already simply turned down without ANC. In combination with soothing sleep sounds and an adaptive noise masking algorithm, this is supposed to enable restful sleep.
Three sizes of earwings and four sizes of twin-seal earbuds are said to provide a high level of comfort. The Earbuds themselves are made of soft, flexible silicone and thus should not press even when worn for a long time.
A gentle alarm clock and sleep manager then help with evaluation. Details about the drivers and the audio codecs the manufacturer does not name, for wireless transmission the Bluetooth 5.2 standard is used.
The Soundcore Sleep A10 are available now on the Soundcore website and in white. The manufacturer’s MSRP is 179.99 Euros, but with the discount code “SWEETDREAMDE” you can save 20 percent for a short time and end up paying only around 144 Euros.
Anker has introduced new in-ear headphones under its audio brand, the Soundcore Sleep A10, which expand the lineup alongside the Soundcore Sport X10 (our review). They’re said to be so lightweight and low-profile that, when paired with ANC, they make for an especially peaceful night’s sleep. Soundcore Sleep A10 unveiled At the Anker on Board … (Weiterlesen...)
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